About me and the Bread

I began baking bread for my family about 2 years ago for several reasons. First, I was on a quest to cut out highly processed foods and foods that were high in preservatives and additives. Commercially available bread is often loaded with dough enhancers, preservatives and SUGAR! Loads and loads of sugar! Even so called “healthy” bread is often loaded down with sugar and salt to “enhance” the flavor.


Little did I know that I was going to fall in love, head over heals with bread baking! Almost from the very start. I have found that Baking Bread has brought me a peace and focus unlike anything else. I enjoy the process of working with the dough and the natural processes that turn simple flour, salt and water into an amazing loaf of bread that brings people and families together at the table! I find that I want to bake more and more and try different approaches and techniques and practice does after all make perfect, right?

So I find myself with more bread than I know what to do with! I have given it away to friends and neighbors and even thrown away loaves that we just couldn't eat before they went bad! 

So, BUY MY BREAD! So I can bake more!! 

All I ask is that you remember that I am still learning and sometimes the loaves are not perfect! Also, the deal I make with you is that you will tell me what you like AND what you don’t like! I can’t get better if I don’t know! So you have to help me make the bread better! 

Please keep in mind that handcrafted bread does NOT contain preservatives like the grocery store bread you may be used to. It goes stale more quickly and can mold if not stored properly. Commercial yeast breads should be kept int he refrigerator and watch for signs of mold. Sourdough lasts much longer than commercial yeast breads due to the natural fermentation that takes place. This serves as a preservative and I have found that I can keep my sourdough at room temperature for around a week, although a loaf rarely lasts that long before we devour it!

** I can ONLY fill orders in Brunswick, St. Simons and Jekyll Island at this time. Please DO NOT place an order if you do not live or work in one of these areas**

Order Local Bread

Monthly Bread Subscription

Naturally Leavened (Sourdough) Subscription

A monthly subscription service where you pay a flat $20 per month and I bake a loaf of naturally leavened Sourdough bread for you once a week for 4 weeks. I will send you a reminder to order your bread each month by email and through facebook.

This is a one time subscription that will need to be renewed each month that you would like to receive bread. It WILL NOT automatically be renewed each month unless you specifically tell me to put you on AUTOBILL. 

Sourdough is a naturally risen bread that uses “Wild Yeast” that occurs naturally in the environment to raise the bread. Because of the way sourdough is made it is often “firmer”, “chewier” or slightly more “dense” than what you might be used to from grocery store bread. It also has a slight “sour” flavor that is characteristic to naturally leavened bread due to it being slow fermented. I usually bake it as  rustic “hearth” bread that goes nicely with soups, stews or as a “dinner bread”. However, it also makes nice toast and sandwiches when sliced thin. I do occasionally pan the sourdough and bake it into a “sandwich loaf” but it will have a firmer texture than other “sandwich” type breads.

Each loaf of sourdough bread takes 2 days to make. It is mixed on the first day and bulk fermented overnight and then shaped and rested for it’s second rise on the second day. Due to this process, I do need a minimum of 2 days notice before orders can be fulfilled.

I will contact you once your order has been placed to arrange a delivery time.


Commercial Yeast Subscription

A monthly subscription service where you pay a flat $20 per month and I bake a loaf of regular commercial yeast bread for you once a week for 4 weeks. 

I generally bake 3 different yeast breads- 2 of them are “sandwich type” loaves and the other is a more hearty bread that I often use as a “hearth type” bread. The 2 sandwich loaves are an all white sandwich loaf and a half whole wheat loaf similar to what you would buy at the grocery store for everyday sandwiches. 

The multi-grain bread contains whole wheat flour, 10 grain hot cereal that contains wheat, rye, triticale, millet, oats, brown rice, barley, corn, soy beans, oat bran and flax seeds. I add additional rolled oats and brown rice to make this an incredibly moist and delicious bread for both sandwiches and simply eaten by the slice with butter. This bread also makes incredible french toast! 

I will contact you once your order has been placed to arrange a delivery time.


Single Loaves

Order single loaves of bread to be baked and delivered or picked up in the future.  

Each loaf of sourdough bread takes 2 days to make. It is mixed on the first day and bulk fermented overnight and then shaped and rested for it’s second rise on the second day. Due to this process, I do need a minimum of 2 days notice before orders can be fulfilled.

I will contact you once your order has been placed to arrange a delivery time.



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